Thursday, February 01, 2007

carolina blue sky

again, what is going on with the weather??? Is this really February?

I've decided that all this beautiful sun and sky comes at a cost -- a horrible, hurricane-force wind that tunnels directly down the street I walk down a hundred times a day. Today I literally almost fell over. I'm almost ready for a trade back to the depressing fog. It's gloomy, but at least I don't risk having my laptop fly away...

My kids are testing today, so I have some time to update on some things before I have to start grading them. sigh. I hate grading. and there is no scantron machine here!

so I'm having a meeting in the next couple of days about the visa stuff, but I'm thinking it looks more likely that Austin and I can just mail our passports back to the States, since we were fortunate enough to get duplicates before we came. WooHoo! That would save so much stress, particularly since we're getting started on the Dreaded Senior Thesis Paper (cue the Jaws theme, Darth Vader march, or something similarly sinister).

ELL is going well, and so is my tutoring of Marton and Zsuzsa. Marton's birthday was yesterday, so I gave him some of my peanut butter! I'm really curious to see what he thinks about it, since they definitely don't have it here.

So Heather invited Austin and Jonathan W over for dinner last night, which led to some interesting cooking problems. like when I realized we were out of flour, so I walked all the way down to CBA to buy some (40 cents for a bag!). Then I got back and realized I was out of baking powder. oops. but everything went ok -- we're starting to really get this cooking from scratch thing down! well, we can fake it, at least :)

and my kids today showed me a website that streams sitcoms! The Wonder Years! The Office! Mystery Science Theater!!!!! Sure, it's probably illegal, but until it's shut down, I'll be singing along to my favorite theme songs. "In West Philadelphia, born and raised...." Ah, all is right with the world.

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At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, what is this illegal website called? :)

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

What is that website??

I hear some interesting rumors on the street...but you know how rumors are...


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