Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hungarians really need my proofreading services...

So whenever I go out, my eyes are naturally drawn to English words. They just catch my attention. This morning, I stopped at CBA on my way to school to get a bottle of water, and while standing in the checkout line, I saw a sales flyer with the word 'ripped' on it. I couldn't figure out most of the words on the rest of the flyer, so I walked closer and saw what they were advertising: ribbed condoms. I tried not to laugh, but the thought of someone selling ripped condoms (no wonder they're on sale!) just got to me that early in the morning. I laughed so hard I cried, while all of the Hungarians were, I'm sure, appalled at the weird American girl who thinks condoms are funny.

I know I've said it before, but sometimes I stop and think is this really my life?

update on visa stuff: no one has told us why, but something has happened to sour the official's attitude toward the school. It's long and complicated, but basically you can't get a visa in the country, hence the trips to Bratislava. Now the people there are possibly unwilling to work with us, so we may have to go home long enough to get a visa. Now I wouldn't mind going home for a visit! But unfortunately there are 9 of us affected. Finding subs in a foreign country for 9 teachers with no definite dates is next to impossible! So please pray that we can find favor with the officials and resolve this matter quickly.

I'm off to cover a class -- we have something like the flu spreading through the school -- thank God for SE and all that hand sanitizer!

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At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe they will make you go home for a visa in time for my wedding!


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