Monday, January 22, 2007

humble pie, Hungarian style

It seemed like a good idea at the time. It was a beautiful night, and the view from our roof is amazing, so up we went. Good times....

...until we came down the ladder, apparently making a bit more noise than we intended. Suddenly our neighbor was in the hallway, nightgown clad, angrily scolding us in rapid Hungarian.


So today Heather and I walked over with flowers and an apologetic note, translated by Monika, our secretary, who assured me, "She will love it. Ask her name!" Well, she didn't love it. and definitely didn't leave room to ask her name! Apparently neighbor lady likes her sleep and was still pretty angry, although when we finally got tired of squirming underneath her wrath, she did grudgingly give us a "thank you" -- in English!

I think we'll definitely be on our best behavior now...maybe it's time for cookies?

anyway, this weekend was fun. On the recommendation of our ELL students, Heather and I went to the Tropicarium, the largest aquarium in Eastern Europe, which is conveniently located next to Tesco in the mall! It was surprisingly good, despite the English "translations." I sometimes think I'm going to volunteer my proofreading services all over Hungary, as I'm tired of seeing things like this: "The fisshs many-coloured, what tell other fish is poison." Yeah.

so how adorable is this: Right now all of our male students are busy asking the girls to the Valentine's Banquet -- and they're good. One of my favorites involved sneaking the question into the powerpoint presentation during chapel last week -- clever boy! Today one of my seniors came into my room during lunch. "I need a huge favor, " he said. "Can you walk over to the flower shop and get me an orchid for Aline? Mr. White won't let me leave me campus! and I need it today after school!" How could I turn that down! So I walked across the street to buy this beautiful bouquet and got it to him just afater the bell rang. She was impressed.

So I may be keeping my neighbors up at night... but by God I'm encouraging young love!

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At 4:53 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Those High schoolers are so precious!!! I wish someone would stealthily invite me to the banquet.

I feel sad for the girls who don't get invited:(

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Sadly yes...maybe the food will be yummy.


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