Monday, January 29, 2007

sick (and homesick)

so apparently the hand sanitizer isn't all-powerful. sigh.

I haven't succumbed fully to the cold/flu/sinus infections that are going around, but I know something's lurking. I skipped church yesterday and basically slept my way through the day. And for the first time I realized I'm a little homesick.

This came as a shock to me, as I've never really noticed it before. But I think when you're sick you just want to be at home. so today I find myself missing such random things as my family, my friends back home, Chick-Fil-A biscuits, Mello Yello, Jeopardy, Outback steak, downtown Greensboro, and Puffs tissues with aloe vera.

so maybe it will be ok if I have to go home for a little while! I'm still hoping that extra passport I got months ago will come in handy and I won't have to leave...but if I do, I will thoroughly appreciate it. It's just not as pleasant to be sick without the mindless fun of Golden Girls repeats!

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At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about beinghomesc and wanting ome....I am maried, almost 28 and still want my mom when sick. bran is ok but they just don'e do it the way mom does.....especially he is alway to wet or dry, to cold or hot....ugh....tha's normal though.
must run, love ya, di
drink lots of fluids!

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I hear that. Felt (*slash* am feeling) the same way. I always enjoyed some fun Judging Amy, Law and Order, and of course Matlock and Murder, She ole TBS.

I hope you feel better!

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I can't wait either! Luckily Parker will be house sitting at the kliewers and we can watch it on their slingback


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