Friday, January 26, 2007

happy name day to me...

Cassia walked into English class today bearing a large chocolate cake -- for me! Apparently, it's my name day. The Catholic saints all have assigned days which are very important to Hungarians, so they celebrate on the day of the saint for whom they were named. St. Paula, I found out, is the patron saint of widows. Had no idea there even was a St. Paula!

OK, so really we all just wanted to eat chocolate cake! But it was sweet of them.

let's see -- other news...this weekend is the big Senior Auction, where the seniors sell off donated goods and services to help pay for the senior class trip. There are quite a few really good items, like airline tickets, car rentals, and hotel stays that were donated! But I'm thinking I'll be going in on the authentic Indian dinner, made by one of the families here at the school. I'll let you know if I win! For my part, I'm donating my services designing prayer cards, since I did my own and a couple other people's as well. It'll be interesting to see how much that'll get...

and fun thing that happened this week: karaoke at "The Red Rose" here in Diosd. We were entertained by Hungarians singing (I kid you not!) Bohemian Rhapsody, Greased Lightning, Oh Happy Day, and American Pie. Sometimes I would kill for a video camera! hahaha

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