Thursday, February 08, 2007


So it wasn't the most exciting basketball game ever, nor was it especially well-played by either team. Still, seeing UNC win at Cameron (as well as seeing that freshmen ruin his consecutive free throws streak! and that obnoxious sophomore cry after his fourth foul!) made it worth the lack of sleep I'm now facing. That, and large quantities of both coffee and Mountain Dew.

They do not help with my most recent injury, though. It's not as embarassing as the Lollipop Guild sprain, but it's close... so last night, the single teachers got together for Austin's Southern Style Spaghetti, followed by the guys playing basketball. Heather and I felt a little guilty for watching them work while we ate our carton of ice cream, so we hit the other end of the court to shoot around. I was just casually shooting the ball and turned to chase down a bad shot when all of a sudden it felt like my calf muscle detached itself from the rest of my leg. I definitely yelled out something not-so-missionary-like as I hit the floor. oops. As a result, I am once again hobbling down the street and up multiple flights of stairs. sigh. You know, it wouldn't have been quite as bad if not for my stupid pride. I mean, really -- the guys were really playing. I was basically just standing there. I felt like such a loser.

Oh well. I can handle being a loser if I get to gloat over the Dook fans today -- even if I have to do it on crutches!

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At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean, not exciting?! Dad, Matt and Kay, and I could hardly stand the excitement - I know my blood pressure did a number!!
Sorry you hurt your leg.:( I think you got that pride thing honestly - I've had to eat a sizeable share of humble pie during my lifetime! And, by the way, that's also why I don't gloat when we beat Duke -
at least not out loud!! :)


At 9:08 AM, Blogger Paula said...

Toward the end -- yes, exciting. But during that stretch where Duke didn't score for 5+ minutes and Carolina still couldn't catch them... not so exciting. more like frustrating and agonizing.

or maybe it was just the fact that it was 4:30 in the morning!

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was excited also, but I understand the frustration! I mean did you see Roy's face through out the game...I think he was a litle frustrated too:) Though I was glad I only had to see Coach K's face like twice during the game:) They showed Roy like every 5 mins!

So, what's the deal with us not be invited to your parents?!?! just kidding!!


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