which means, "Hey y'all!" if you translate your Hungarian into Southern...
Read all about my life as I try to adjust back into American culture after three years overseas.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
the mother of all blog posts...
yeah -- it's been a while! I've been pretty busy, and it's much harder to update this blog without having internet at the apartment! so this is going to be pretty long. Save it for when you have some free time. :)
In fact, first visit Karen's blog. She's posted pictures from her trip last year, and it's like a virtual trip to Budapest! She and Kathy were fortunate enough to be here over a holiday weekend, so she has tons of really cool shots of things you don't always see. Go look at them, and come back here to read the rest of this post later!
I'm trying to remember all that's gone on.... Let's start with the Nutcracker! It was pretty amazing... little did I know that we actually had bought box seats! The set was incredible, the dancing was great, and it was all for a pretty cheap price. I love the opera house.
Then, we had the labyrinth, a kick off for the Alpha course. It was held in conjunction with the neighborhood Christmas party, and each station had something there to help people process and meditate on the meaning of Christmas. It came out far better than any of us expected! And hopefully it was meaningful to people as well. I did get thrown for a bit of a loop when we realized that they had no one to play carols at the end of the party....although earlier in the evening we were treated to a performance by the local doctor, who is also a trained concert pianist. That's right -- I had to follow the amazing musician! But it came out ok, I think. Anyway, it was a fun evening.
Every year the single teachers and those without children have a progressive dinner and white elephant (Dirty Santa) game. This year, the gifts were truly horrific, as evidenced by the pictures. Lisa somehow got back the video she had tried desperately to get rid of, and two men ended up with interesting women's apparel, much to their wives' dismay/amusement. I, however, ended up with the coveted white elephant, which meant I got to sign it. I really wanted to sign the elephant's posterior for posterity -- but sadly, that had already been taken! I settled for next to Lisa Adams from Christmas two years ago :)
We're finishing up exams right now (which I should be grading at the moment. oh well), and everyone is ready to be done. We're already feeling festive; some of these pics are from the annual Christmas concert. Notice's Lisa's debut as a pot-banger! One of the songs was a 70s version of the 12 days of Christmas; Day One's gift was an 8 track of the Partridge Family. :) Last night Lisa, Kim B., Jillian, and I went to Box Utca for dessert, and tonight Kacie and I are going to the opera house to see The Nutcracker! I've never seen it, and I've heard it's spectacular here...
Most of you know how much I love Christmas music -- but this is one that I can't seem to get out of my mind lately. I appreciate my family so much more now; this is now the third year away for the holidays!
But I expect to have a good Christmas nonetheless... Kacie, Scarlet, and I booked our tickets to Krakow yesterday! Can you believe it only costs $20 to go from Budapest to Poland? crazy! and we're setting up our Christmas labyrinth for Alpha this weekend... pictures coming soon.
For now, here are a few pics from this year's Christmas market... make sure you notie Santa's guest appearance, and be sure to read the "english" sign posted beside the mulled wine. :)
So today I looked at my calendar and realized that starting Wednesday I have something planned every single day from here until the 25th. every. single. day.
I will be so grateful for a few days after Christmas to breathe.
This weekend was a return to Rezkigyo coffeeshop! I was really excited about this setlist, as I basically forced Austin to play songs I wanted to sing. :) I got lots of compliments, and the place was packed, so it was tons of fun. and some of us went to Beckett's afterwards -- too many to fit into our tiny car, in fact, so I have now had the experience of riding in my trunk. That's right -- I rode in the trunk so we could accomodate everyone. but it wasn't as uncomfortable as you might think :)
and the Christmas market is open again. I would love to have some pictures, but it was so freakin' packed that i didn't bother to try taking any. I love the Christmas market so much, though, that even hordes of tourists can't ruin it for me!
Our Alpha course kick-off is coming up, so please be praying for us as we set up our final preparations... I'm really excited to see how it will all turn out! and yet again -- it's decision time, when we must notify the school whether we plan to come back for the next school year. such a stressful decision! Be praying for me to have wisdom about what is best.
So I left the snow of Budapest for the rain of Sweden. lots and lots of rain! oh well. I still greatly enjoyed my time there! Judy was a great host, and I enjoyed seeing a bit more of Europe... it was especially interesting to see how different it is from Hungary. I actually had a man working a cash register apologize to me for not speaking English when I first walked up. And then his English was impeccable, as most people's was. Sweden was also very clean -- note the picture of the bus terminal. I kept mentally comparing it to Blaha Lujza here, just to make myself laugh. It was also cool to hang out with Judy's friend John, who actually spent several years in Greensboro, of all places, before going back to Gothenburg. It's always helpful to get a local perspective, but especially so when the tour guide actually knows the place you're from! Truly, it is a small world.
Pictures follow. I didn't take a lot of pictures due to the cold and rain, but you get the idea. There are some of the sights, several of a ministry Judy works with at a sescond-hand store, and some from a family's Advent celebration, to which I was graciously invited. I've decided I love German Christmas cookies, much like the dog who waited at my feet for any crumbs to fall! And in lieu of turkey for Thanksgiving, I had traditional pea soup (better than it sounds) along with pancakes with cream and berries. And later, I had bear meat! pretty delicious.
Why is my url about the little red hen? Well, my dad does a fantastic rendition, complete with voices, that was my absolute favorite as a child. And it's how I made my theatrical debut back in elementary school. I had the title role. It was brilliant -- until I knocked the cakepan off the table in the middle of my dramatic "I'll eat it myself!" monologue. So much for the stage.