Tuesday, December 08, 2009

"to see ourselves as others see us..."

So yesterday two odd things happened that made me wonder how I appear to others.

a) Last night at church (I help run a children's program for Spanish speakers learning English on Monday nights) a woman flagged me down by saying, "Little girl! Little girl!" I am 31 years old. I should probably take this as a compliment, but still.

b) During a phone call, I overheard the following conversation (by the way, cupping your hand over the receiver does NOT muffle sound. post on this coming soon):
"Mom, someone wants to talk to you."
"Who is it?"
"I don't know. It sounds like it's a woman."

Really -- is there any doubt?


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At 10:33 AM, Blogger the.bain.family. said...

haha, if it's worth anything I've never thought of you as a little girl OR anything other than female ;)

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Allyson said...

I may have told you this, but the other day someone came to the door and asked me if my parents were home. I informed them that I WAS the parent. You'd think that the gray hairs and wrinkles would give it away.

At 6:27 PM, Blogger Courtney said...

laughing so hard!!

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