in honor of Halloween...
way behind on things right now...
but I just discovered and took a break to watch Thriller. you know, before Michael Jackson went psycho. I still remember the first time I watched this!
Happy Halloween!
which means, "Hey y'all!" if you translate your Hungarian into Southern... Read all about my life as I try to adjust back into American culture after three years overseas.
way behind on things right now...
so the orchestra was a lot of fun. I could see maybe ten instruments, but it was beautiful, and I enjoy watching the people more anyway. An old man directly across from us "played piano" along with the music for 90% of the time -- and he was fairly accurate, which was entertaining. But my favorite was a family -- the little boy started imitating the conductor, the older brother punched him in the ribs, and the mother glared at them both with a death-look. Some things transcend culture!
It's a beautiful day, my classes were easy, and I'm going to hear the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra tonight at the opera house -- for $2. $2!!!! I won't be able to see the stage, but who cares? :) I need to do things like this more often. Lisa and I made a list at the beginning of the year so that if we leave Budapest, we'll leave no stone unturned! Cultural events like cheap orchestra tickets were high on the list.
not much time to update this week!
one -- I went to the Bodies Exhibition, which was completely fascinating. If you're ever in a city where they have it, you should go, even if you're pretty squeamish. absolutely amazing.
Hallelujah -- against all odds, the value of the forint has shifted, and this morning the dollar was actually worth 200 forint. It hasn't been that good in two years!
a moment I'd like to share, because I'm so freaking proud of myself: at church today, I ended up sitting next to a Hungarian while I sang my little heart out. After the music was over, he spoke to me in Hungarian, and I responded in English -- and he was shocked! He thought I was Hungarian because of the way I sang. So finally, I have fooled a native! :)
So if you happen to think about this on Thursday, our school is involved in a pretty big court case and could definitely use your prayers. We're appealing a court decision that could cost us a considerable amount of money, so please pray for the appeals court to act fairly!