Thursday, March 06, 2008

car woes

So last night I took the car to go to the Hollowell house.
I'm still a little nervous about driving stick, but I did fine. I stalled out once on the way there -- no big deal. Serina and I had a good time talking, and I got to eat, talk to the girls, and play with adorable little Drew. And then on the way home, I realized I missed a construction sign and was going down a closed street. I tried to turn around and stalled out. no big deal, I thought. I'll just start again and go on my way. except that the car didn't start. at all.
So there I was, in the middle of the road on a random street in Hungary. I was grateful when someone offered to help me.... except for that pesky language problem. See, I can understand, for the most part, what people say in Hungarian. I just can't respond. And so, for your reading pleasure, I submit the transcript of our conversation. All of his dialogue is my interpretation of what he said; all of my dialogue is exact translation of my horrible Hungarian.
Random Hungarian Man: May I help you?
me: I'm sorry, I only speak a little Hungarian. Do you speak English?
RHM: Sorry, no. you speak a little Hungarian?
me: yes. only a little
RHM: What is the problem?
me: Ummmm... I don't know this closed. I stop and [gesture indicating turn around] and [gesture indicating the car died]. [shrug]
RHM: Ah. I see. May I borrow your keys and try to start your car myself?
me: yes.
RHM: This on your keychain -- it is a security device?
me: yes.
RHM: OK, it looks like you have a problem with the motor. There's no electricity. We will have to push your car. Shall we start?
me: um....I don't understand.
RHM: [very slowly] it looks like you have a problem with the motor. There's no electricity. We will have to push your car. Shall we start?
me: push? [gesture]
RHM: yes, push.
me: in where?
RHM: to there [points up a one way street]
me: ummmm..... my friend-man go here five minutes. so, we wait.
RHM: ok, ok. good luck.
me: Thank you very much.

sigh. It's a good thing I find this funny, because otherwise I'd be utterly depressed.

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At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How 'bout them Heels!!!



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