Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm so bad at this.

Time has certainly slipped by... I've been so slack about updating lately. I hope you filled the long wait by watching Speak's video repeatedly. Seriously, it only gets funnier (and for the record, Hungarians find him hilarious, too -- I'm not mocking my host country or anything!)

It's Spiritual Emphasis Week right now, and we have a pastor from Texas and his two sons leading worship and speaking to our students. We have chapel daily instead of once a week, so the routine is bit off, but I think it's been good. And - praise Jesus - next week is a three day week! The basketball tournament is next weekend, so I won't get to sleep late or anything, but at least I won't have to worry about planning for a few days :)

I've also been spending a lot of time on the yearbook -- we're getting close to our deadline, and I find myself really missing my Hungarian-speaking editor from last year. I got an email from our publishing company that was pretty cryptic:
Please send some test pages which are runner, like in the previous
yearbook pagenumber 4 and 5.
From the sent pages we don't know and help in all mistakes.
waiting for the new pages.
I think you understand me,
Well, I think you are mistaken, Amy, as I have no idea what runner pages are. I wish I could speak this language. Anyway, please be praying for me to get all this done on time. I'm really overwhelmed right now, quite frankly. I've been having a hard time sleeping - although that came in handy last night when I realized that I could watch the Carolina game instead of lying sleeplessly on my bed! (is it wrong that I chose to watch basketball instead of grade the papers I've been putting off for almost two weeks?) Sadly, I didn't get to watch Duke lose their second straight.... :)

all right -- it's time for a shortened AP class. We have just enough time for them to read the villanelles they wrote, and then they're off to do homeless ministry at one of the train stations. I love that these kids are taught how to really help others; it's one of my favorite things about being here.

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At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that runner pages are those kids who get to do errands for the state legislators.

:) Mom


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