Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This video has been making the rounds in Hungary for a while. It's pretty amazing. and hilarious. I can't tell you how many times I've watched this video

I think I frightened Lisa by screaming with delight when I saw online that Speak, Hungarian rapper extraordinaire, would be performing live on Saturday. I mean, how often does one get the opportunity to hear a Hungarian rapper? That just can't be missed.

It should have been the highlight of a really great weekend, in which Heather and I were able to help Whittington celebrate her birthday, courtesy of her very generous parents. We stayed at the Marriott and toured the city -- in a taxi, and not on public transportation! Even though we were still in Budapest, it was great to play tourist and just hang out together for a while. Awesome.

But alas, Speak abandoned his faithful fans -- all, oh, 20 of us. One of his friends was there, and he even called him on our behalf! But Speak could not be persuaded. He refused to lower his standards and perform without his crucial backup tape.

That's ok, Speak. I'm still a die-hard fan. And for future reference, I would be more than happy to be a backup singer. You just say the word.

Yee, come on.

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At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I think I speak for Karen and myself when I say that if he reschedules for mid-March, we are there! Yee, that's right. Come on. Check.

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

watched the grammy awards last week
and didn't know a single person except Tina Turner, maybe Speak was one of the performers and I wasn't aware of them. Speak Spoke Spunk they all sound the same to me. Happy Valentines. unk kent

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what can i say? very entertaining...he's a bit of a captain obvious. loved his "shout out" to tupac....and "business". can't wait to show this to jonathan, he'll get a kick out of it too! oh and "speak...i'll be back:...haha! hope all is well! miss you!


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