Tuesday, February 26, 2008

is it spring yet?

because it really feels like it.
Since Saturday, I haven't needed even a light jacket.
The sun has been out full force with temperatures around the mid60s.
And right now I'm typing with bare feet, bare arms, and open windows in my classroom.

I love it.

So in honor of a fresh start, last night Heather and I both got our hair cut. Actually, cut isn't quite the correct word. I believe a word with a better connotation might be chopped. My hair was almost to my butt at this time yesterday; now, the bottom layer isn't even to my shoulders. I'll try to post a picture soon! I've gotten a lot of compliments but it's way too different for me to say I love it right now. It'll take some getting used to...

It was an interesting experience, as it was pretty impulsive. We didn't have appointments for the English-speaking stylist most of the community uses, so we just walked in the szalon down the street. Heather did actually have the foresight to have someone translate instructions beforehand, but we primarily relied on gestures and extremely basic language skills. But the woman was great -- she spent almost two hours. on each one of us.

This weekend was good, too. One of the benefits of living in a major city is the cosmopolitan nature of the place. On Saturday, for instance, we met some Irish guys who were visiting and had a great time talking to them, and on Sunday we tried out Hannah's suggestion of a quick (and cheap!) Indian restaurant. But the whole time we've been here, we've been desperately searching for a Mexican restaurant. We have one that's good -- but you have to have reservations and it can get a little pricey. And the fast-food version (Speedy Burrito!) is less than exciting, since it only mildly resembles anything Mexican. And that's why the highlight of my weekend was finding an authentic Mexican place. I read a review online for a fast-food place opened by someone who was actually part-Mexican and knew I had to try it. Heather and I stood in awe at the menu -- quesadillas! taquitos! burritos! guacamole! It was really good, it was cheaper than McDonald's, and it was actually more than I could eat. I think I've found my new addiction. and so have a lot of other people, apparently. The American girl behind us in line also couldn't stop gushing about her excitement. I think the Hungarians are pretty amused by us -- but we do love our chips and salsa!

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At 10:28 AM, Blogger Audrey said...

Sounds absolutely fantastic! You'll have to fill me in on this fast-food place when I get there. As a displaced Texan, I crave good Mexican food.

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations on being able to type with your bare feet. also i might add that your hair doesn't have to be to long to reach the afore mentioned area, i personally think you look cute with short hair, but you may want to get a second opinion; maybe from the irish boys? love ya, unk kent


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