office party!
Last night was the ICSB staff Christmas dinner, which I greatly enjoyed. It was a lot of fun to hang out together, and the all you can eat buffet (rare in Hungary) was greatly appreciated as well. I ate enough to last another three meals or so...
I was less than excited, however, by the musical selection. I am certain that I heard "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart..." at least four times. Hungarians, apparently, have decided to recycle the same basic Christmas songs over and over again, which makes me long for the good old days of round the clock Christmas tunes on the easy listening station.
Fortunately, I was able to round up some Christmas songs that are cheesy in an entirely different way, and that I have never once heard in Hungary. Enjoy this handpicked collection of children's Christmas songs [sadly, I cannot find my beloved 20+ year old Disney Christmas tape online! ]
Have a great weekend!
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