Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas Market, year two

So this weekend, we returned to the Christmas market!

It's interesting to do things for a second time, because I'm finding that they are good indicators of how much I've grown or changed. Last year I had no idea what to expect, but this year I knew exactly where to go for kolbasz, mulled wine, and roasted chestnuts (in that order!). We knew how to order things in Hungarian. We recognized vendors from last year. We explained how things worked to befuddled tourists. And this year when Heather and I didn't know what something was, we were able to figure it out through translating the signs! And, in perhaps the greatest single sign of accomplishment, this year when we grew tired of the ridiculous crowd, we were able to escape the tourists at not one, not two, but three fun, off-the-beaten-path kind of places.

I believe, for those of you familiar with the beloved PFO terminology (!), this indicates I've fully assimilated into the culture. :)

This makes decision-making even harder. I've mentioned this before, but I now have less than a month to decide what I should do next year. I honestly feel as if I want to split myself in two; there are things I love about both places, and I really believe that part of me will be unhappy no matter what I choose. I can't imagine not being here for the market next year, for instance, or missing out on teaching next year's senior class. But at the same time, it's really hard to be away from home.

So I'm trying really hard to take my emotions out of it completely, and just seek what the Lord has planned for me. At this point, I feel kind of directionless, and really stressed out, so I'm praying that my path will be made very clear in the next month. Please join me in praying for that; I need all the help I can get!

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At 6:21 AM, Blogger Geoff Gentry (aka xforce11) said...

May the Word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path!


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