Friday, November 16, 2007

If Hungary were NC...

we'd be having a snow day right now.

and I'd celebrate by going to ChickFilA for a chicken biscuit and a coffee with hazelnut cream.

Oh well... it's Friday, which means a relatively easy day for me, so I can't really complain. I do want that biscuit, though....

Tonight Lisa B and I are hosting our senior girls' Bible study at our place. They wanted Indian food, so I'm trying my hand at a number of Indian recipes I've never attempted before. This could be disastrous, but hopefully it will be tasty! And we've decided to be super-girly and watch the quintessential girl movie -- Anne of Green Gables. Some of them have never seen it, so we'll eat our curry and naan to the adventures of Anne and Gilbert. It sounds like an odd combination, but I think it'll be fun.

Also fun is our ELL class. It's strange -- I hardly ever want to go before it starts. I'm tired and ready to go home and convinced that I don't have enough planned. but I'm always glad I did it when it's done. It helps that they're fun people, one of whom clapped for me as I entered the room -- "It's Paula!" I wish more people greeted me that way. :)

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At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cool!!

Mom & Dad

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um...Anne of Green Gables and curry? Do you think I could make it in time?


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