Wednesday, November 14, 2007

tar heel pride amidst Wednesdah blah

The regular season for Carolina basketball starts tonight, and my boys are ranked #1 in the nation. One of my students (who is also from Greensboro, oddly enough -- in fact, the senior class has less than 25 students, and two of them are from Greensboro. weird.) is wearing a Duke sweatshirt and talking trash. I can't wait for the Heels to dominate this year.

I am not, however, as excited about work today. I briefly considered talking Heather into missing a turn and just driving to Croatia this morning before reason won out. I think I was inspired by the guys we just met traveling through Budapest. They're spending three months traveling through Europe and the Middle East, and I am insanely jealous. Austin met them at church and decreed that they were cool, so we had to hang out with them. And they were. They were hilarious, and they had great stories about their adventures while traveling. If you feel like living vicariously, check out their impressive blog. It puts mine to shame.

Hey, it's snowing again! I love snow. and I really love snow days. Maybe we'll actually get one this year...

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