Monday, October 29, 2007

how I know for sure I've acclimated to Hungary

There's this custom here in Hungary where the sanitation department sets a date, and all the people haul out their big trash and dump it on the side of the road. Apparently this is like Christmas, and for a couple days, people eagerly scavenge through other people's trash. And we're not talking yard sale zeal here -- oh no. I've witnessed the Saturday fever of hard core yard sale fans. This is on an entirely different level. People stake out trash piles and sit there ALL DAY until someone can come with a huge trailer and haul away the good stuff. Good, I should point out, is a relative term, since items I've noticed this week include broken patio furniture, plastic birdbaths, dismantled televisions, and old toilet tanks. and everyday trash -- unbagged. lots of it. It's like dumpster diving times 12, minus the dumpster.

Last year, I openly mocked this aspect of Hungarian culture.

This year, I took part.

I'm so ashamed.

But in my defense, I did not stake out a pile, I did not load up a trailer full of trash, and the items we stole are all for our Halloween party (as soon as we drench them in sanitizer)!

By the way, let me add that your ideas were pretty outstanding. Allyson, your candy corn cookies tip is sheer genius, and I wish I had some food coloring to try it out! Nothing quite tops Billy's Barry Manilow scariness, however.

Anyway, we're working hard on the party -- should be loads o' fun!

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At 1:06 PM, Blogger haichan said...

Need food coloring?? Look no further. I can come to your rescue! I will put in your box tomorrow...


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