Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the teacher's lament

ok, you can stop with the k foods! (by the way, does anyone remember a middle school book where the girl ate alphabet burgers, with toppings going in order for the entire year? I loved that idea...)

My fellow teachers, you will understand this: today I'm teaching my little heart out regarding Morte d'Arthur and the monomythic hero. I'm asking good questions and getting good replies. I feel like a "real" teacher (whatever that means).

And then reality hits. I ask a simple question during a Jeopardy-style review. We had just discussed the answer. They had taken notes on it. And the girl couldn't remember it to save her life.

sigh. Such is a life in education.

oh well. The kids here are phenomenal, and I can't really complain -- but it wouldn't kill them to pay attention to my stellar teaching! :)

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