Tuesday, September 25, 2007

is it the weekend yet?

We've been having problems with our heat. It's set to come on automatically when the temperature is 20C. However, the other night, it came on when it was 23. Weird, we thought, and we went to bed.
In the morning, we woke up to a sweltering 30C house. That's 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Apparently, our heat had been running full blast all night. So we called our landlord, who came out and started working on it. By the time we went to bed last night, it had cooled off and we thought all was well.
until this morning.

There was no hot water.

If you know me well, you know that I love nothing more than a long hot shower. The prospect of a freezing cold shower, then, is anathema. Lisa and I brilliantly decided to come to school early and shower here, which I did last year when we had a water emergency. So I gathered up all my stuff, skipped breakfast, and came to school.

There was no hot water.

After all that, I still took a freezing cold shower, and to make matters worse it was in a school locker room without most of my stuff. Students wandering into the bathroom this morning were really confused to see me drying my hair...

Anyway, it was a bad start to my day, to say the least! But we had a time of praise at the staff meeting this morning, which I desperately needed, and some of my students really liked the Lady of Shalott, which is one of my all time favorite poems, so my day is improving. But man, what an awful start! :)

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