Wednesday, September 05, 2007


You know, it wasn't so very long ago that our temperatures here were up in the 100s. Today -- 50 degrees. at 2:00. and raining. It was lots of fun when someone's burnt popcorn set off the fire alarm! Oh well. at least we know the alarm works.

So last night was Open House. Now I don't exactly enjoy being at school all hours of the day, but it was good. It means so much to have parents thank you for teaching their kids. And apparently some of the kids have already been talking about the class; one parent even asked to borrow a copy of Beowulf. Beowulf! I never would've thought... anyway, it was really affirming. One mother stopped me just before she left and said, "You know you're one of the favorite teachers here, right? The kids just love you, and I wish I could take your class!" It made a world of difference.

Waiting for an update on my granddad.... thanks for continuing to remember him and the rest of the family in your prayers.

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