Monday, September 24, 2007

yard sale fever

This weekend I had an opportunity to practice my Hungarian at a rummage sale! The school holds two a year, with some of the proceeds going toward a scholarship fund. I decided to help out Saturday morning, and it was an interesting experience. Hungarians are hard-core about their bargain shopping... Let's break it down into categories:
Hungarian Phrases I Heard Repeatedly All Morning
  • How much is this?
  • Does this work?
  • What size is this?
  • Does this come with a matching top?
  • Has that already been sold?
  • What IS this?
  • Will you take ____ instead?
Hungarian Words I Felt Confident Saying
  • 50 cents.
  • Thank you.
  • Yes.
  • No.
Hungarian Phrases I Butchered
  • You can take all of those for 50 cents (what I actually said was whole, only 50 cents)
  • It works, but it's very loud (what I actually said was no quiet, but... good work. -- and I said but in English by mistake.)
  • It's a thermos for soup (what I actually said was Soup in, warm)
Items I Can't Believe Actually Sold
  • A wide variety of 80s dresses, complete with huge bows and shoulder pads.
  • A used, stained pillow. yuck.
  • Cassette tapes of Michael Bolton's greatest hits.
Some of the stuff was actually good, but some of it was highly laughable. Anyway, it was a good way to interact with Hungarians and stretch my vocab just a bit. And after freezing to death outside, we found a really cool teahouse in the city and tried to warm up! And we made over $800 for the scholarship.

Tomorrow I make the official trip into the city to register the car! This may excite me more if I could actually drive it. I was doing pretty well, and then I stalled again and got nervous. So I started overthinking everything, which means that today was the worst I've driven in a long time. Sigh.

I stayed up too late talking on Skype last night; although it was well worth it, I'm pretty tired, so I think I'm going to crash early. I have a long day of medieval ballads and yearbook designs ahead of me!

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At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I contributed to your staying up too late last night on Skype!!



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