Wednesday, November 07, 2007

car trouble

Even though we STILL don't have the car papers in our name yet, we are already dealing with our second breakdown. Whoopee.

After school yesterday, the three of us were going to go to our local Spar and get some much-needed groceries. We made it a couple blocks, and then the clutch went crazy. It went all the way down and wouldn't come back up, and then we couldn't get the car to go into any gear. at all. So we sat there, blocking all traffic on the busy, narrow street trying to figure out what the heck happened. Several drivers nearby helpfully honked their horns, although one actually did help us push it to the side. It was lots of fun.

So the repairmen are hopefully getting it today, and we are again bumming rides from people. Please pray that this is something which can be easily and cheaply fixed. The dollar has dropped again, and today's rate is the lowest I've seen yet. Let's get on that economy, people! :)

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At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Granny's new question for break-downs and accidents is "Well, are you hurt?" Of course since the answer is, "No," that settles that!
Everything else is an aggravation, and it's an unexpected expense, but in the grand scheme of things, you've come out on the good side!

Mom :)

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't worry aunt Sue is doing all she can to stimulate the ya unk. kent


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