Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Today for class I decided to do something a little different, so I pulled up 20 different Halloween poems from the internet and assigned some found poetry. Found poetry is basically when you create a poem based on what's already there; students can rearrange or combine lines from other poems to create a unique poem. I like it because they don't actually have to write, but they have to think and interact with the words. And surprisingly, they do. Even my most poetry-phobic boys were focused on this for the entire period, and by the end of the day, students came in asking me if they were going to do "that really cool assignment 3rd and 4th period did." And right now I'm typing this after school, listening to two students who stayed after the bell to finish their poem.

I love days like this.

especially when they're followed by a long weekend! Woohoo for Hungarian All Saints Day tomorrow!

I'll try to update after the amazing Halloween party, when all the secrets can be openly shared... :)

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