Monday, November 26, 2007

public transportation....

With our car STILL sitting on the side of the road over a massive puddle of expensive gas, Heather and I decided not to beg rides off people, but rather to take advantage of our morning breaks by sleeping late and taking a bus to work.

It sounded like a great plan.

It wasn't.

We left the house around 9:30 or so, because we needed to be at school at 10:15. We walked to the closest bus stop, which took us around 25 minutes. We got there in time to see three buses go by. None of them stopped. Now this is a busy highway, and not every bus will stop at this particular place. However, during the 20 or so minutes we stood in the freezing cold, two buses were supposed to stop. They definitely didn't.

Heather suggested hitch-hiking, but this kind of terrifies me even when I can speak the language, so I definitely wasn't up for that. We finally got someone from the school to agree to come pick us up -- just as a bus (not scheduled) pulled up to the stop for us.

Since I arrived at school after my class started (fortunately, only study hall), I have come to the conclusion that I am very grateful for public transportation, but even more grateful that I don't have to rely on it. Now if we could just get that car fixed....

It's almost time for the Christmas market! We went yesterday after church, but they were still setting up... can't wait!

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