Wednesday, July 11, 2007

nem jo beszelek magyarul!

Hungarian is such a strange language for English speakers. For instance, when asking yes/no questions, you have to raise the intonation on the second to last syllable. Not the last. the next to last. It's like saying: Can I borrow your dictionary? I cannot do this for the life of me. Also, Heidi says Hungarian is much like Yoda-speak. Agree I do. Here are literal translations of some sentences from my class today:
  • The car a helicopter below is.
  • This the old man in the hospital is (not to be confused with This the man in the hospital old is, which has an entirely different connotation).
  • These the tall (plural form) trees (plural form).
I'm such a nerd to actually enjoy this.

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At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can appreciate the excitement of the challenge!!




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