Saturday, July 07, 2007

things I love about Budapest

  • the weather. well, sometimes. but today it's perfect! so I decided to spend the way at Margit Island with my Bible, my journal, and a Harry Potter book (yes, I finally succumbed! good summer reading, I have to say). I was also in a prime position to watch
  • the people. I absolutely love to watch people. Today was particularly good, as I was surrounded by slightly lost tourists, kids playing soccer, guys practicing some really cool martial arts moves, little old ladies chatting away, and an old guy in a flesh-colored speedo. OK, that one terrified me a little and forced me to avert my eyes -- but the rest were fascinating to watch!
  • public transportation. I'm car-sitting for a missionary family over the summer, which is exciting -- except for when I drive in Budapest. It's kind of nightmarish with a car of this size. For instance, on Thursday I drove around the street where I live for at least 45 minutes trying to find a place to park. I ended up with a space I created 4 blocks away, and had to walk back late at night to move it so I wouldn't get ticketed in the morning. yikes. but public is always reliable! In fact, when I walk out of my apartment building, I am at the 6 Tram stop, which will take me all over the city. Praise Jesus.
  • big city convenience. I love Diosd, but after living in a place where there are no places to buy food aside from the convenience store, it's great to live in a place where I can walk to cheap and tasty Chinese, Turkish, Greek, American, or Hungarian. By far, though, the most exciting convenience is that I just ordered sushi to be delivered to my door. A full meal, plus delivery and tip, for well under 10 dollars.
All of these things, however, do not add up to my absolute favorite thing about Hungary -- my friends! So guys -- I know you're living it up in the Land of Plenty, but come back soon! I miss you.

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At 4:16 PM, Blogger Lisa Blomquist said...

Awwww, I miss you too! It's been great to be here, but I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to being back. I'm already szuper excited about next year. How is the Hungarian coming? Oh, and how is learning a stick coming along?

Love you!


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