Thursday, June 14, 2007

saying goodbye -- and hello

is pretty awful, really.

This time around, it hasn't quite been the waterworks that occurred when I left the States back in August -- but that doesn't make it easier. I already miss my roommate, and I'm saying goodbye to two people, Parker and Lisa A, for good. It makes me sad that they're not coming back next year :(

But at the same time I'm so excited about mom and dad coming in this weekend! I can't wait to show them around and speak fluent Hungarian -- ok, that's not going to happen. but I am taking lessons over the summer! Anyway, I can't wait for them to get here.

And I'm about to get a car! I borrowed one to take Heather to the airport and just drove around Budapest on the way back. I forgot how much I love to drive. I'm grateful for public transportation, but it just doesn't compare.

I'm off to take another load to our new house! Yay!

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At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think of it this way - we won't have any idea whether your Hungarian is fluent or not!!

Delivering those hugs soon!!


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Lisa Blomquist said...

And what a car it is! =) I'm so thrilled about our sweet new ride...well, new to us, anyway. It will be great, and I'm still thrilled about how God brought all this together! Have you talked to them further about arrangements for the car?


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