Monday, May 21, 2007

taking a break...

...from the endless array of grading, exam writing, and lesson planning. Oh, the end of the year -- sometimes I think it's the end of my sanity.

However, there are quite a few positive things going on!
* yearbooks just arrived! Yay! They look great.
* This weekend was a fun celebration of my birthday. The opera house was beautiful! We were, however, shocked to learn that The Marriage of Figaro is actually four hours long. I enjoyed it, but only stayed two hours -- because culture has nowhere near the importance of food. :) Speaking of, I had not one, but two cakes! Mom sent all the ingredients for a good old-fashioned Eastern NC pig-pickin' cake, and Emily made me a personalized Carolina blue cake!
* Heather, Lisa B, and I think we may have found a house! It's perfect and we all fell in love with it. It's kind of far away from the school, though, so we have to buy a car. We're looking at one now! We hope to have everything settled by the end of the week, so please pray that we'll make the right decisions.

And that's the end of my break... back to work!

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At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good birthday and congrats on the house for your crew :)


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