Sunday, May 13, 2007

I love you, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day! I'll call you later...

So this weekend, broken into the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The Good:
A group of students from Covenant College is here visiting for a few weeks and observing classes. Austin and I took the group on a sightseeing tour of Budapest this weekend, and I have to say we did a fabulous job. We hit all the major spots and never got lost in what I consider a trial run for the route I'll take all of you on when you come! :) I also was proud of my Hungarian -- I totally had a woman at the market convinced that I spoke the language I understood enough to translate, and it looked like I actually knew what I was doing. I love when that happens...

The Bad:
So after a long day of sightseeing, we hit the Red Rose for a little karaoke, Hungarian style. Now I love doing that, and we had a blast, particularly when the Hungarian and American contingents joined forces for a medley of Beatles songs. However, I've decided that some Hungarian songs should never be sung again. My language skills aren't good enough to translate completely, but there was one song about a schoolbag that was utterly ridiculous and never-ending. Another song about the allure of Africa was just obnoxious and (I think) pretty racy, yet it also included a long list of African animals. strange. And then there was the beloved children's classic, Puff the Magic Dragon -- in Hungarian. They sang the chorus so many times that I pretty much know it as well in Hungarian as I do in English.

The Ugly:
after all the exhausting activities of Saturday, we decided just to sleep in for a while and have what has become known as Austin Church. Basically, we sleep late and then meet in his classroom for breakfast. He leads worship with his guitar and we sometimes listen to sermons online. (I love when we do this -- it's certainly not the ugly part!)
All that to say that I got a late start today. Around 10 I got up and got in the shower. Just as I was about to use the shampoo, I suddenly realized there was no more water coming out. That's because there was no water in my apartment. at all. nor is there any next door. When Lisa B tried, in German, to talk to some neighbors about what had happened, their cryptic comment was, "It's summer."
Um.... so is this is a normal thing? and how long can we expect to be waterless?
Thank God we have showers in the locker room here at school. Two hours later I was finally clean and we could commence with church.

So my goal for the day was to wash clothes, but it doesn't look like that will happen...nor will our dishes get washed. hmmmm... maybe I should take a nap!

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At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Paula!

Thanks for the Stephen Roach CD - I'm looking forward to listening to it!

:) Mom

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

You gotta watch LOST soon, it's unbelieveable!


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