Thursday, May 10, 2007


so right now Marton, the Hungarian I tutor, is taking his English language exam.

And Cassia, Danielle, Erik, and Caleb are taking their AP English exam.

People don't realize how stressed the teachers are over these things. We take these so personally -- in a strange way, these are our grades too!

May is a crazy month in general. For instance, in the next two weeks, we have Senior Project speeches, Family Field Day for the whole school, Senior Skip Day, Senior Send-off Picnic, Awards Night, School Dedication Day (we finally got full approval to use the entire building! no more chapel in the cafeteria!), Staff End of the Year Dinner, Fine Arts Festival, School Rummage Sale, my birthday, goodbye parties for teachers leaving, and a group of college kids observing our classes. Somewhere in the midst of that I have to write exams, teach classes, finish grades, figure out where I'm going to live for the summer and next year, and try not to go insane.

I am so ready for summer.

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