Sunday, May 06, 2007

Weekend Wrap-Up

Here's this weekend:
*added links to my friends Tommie Anne and Brian, both of whom have blogs about their missions experiences in Asia. Check them out in the Links section to the right.
*Natalie Kliewer's 6th birthday party. Cute, cute, cute. She had a tea party for her friends, so Heather and I helped Beth get the food ready and served the girls. Austin and Steve concocted a teacup pinata out of some old cardboard boxes that was surprisingly good. The girls had a good time, and it was hilarious to watch.
*Lisa A, Parker, Heather, and I watched the latest Lost episode. I'm so confused. and that's why I love this show.
*Found out that Pandora is now blocked in Hungary. I am highly upset about this. Stupid international copyright laws.
*West Side Story was good. Some of my students are amazing actors. They put a lot of time into that, and literally half of the high school students were involved. Crazy. I realized the movie and the musical are rather different -- the songs are in a different order, and the musical has this strange dream sequence in which the dead and the living all dance around. The Hungarians were stymied by the weird accents, though. Couldn't understand much, sadly. But hey, they came. and I know Heather has quite a following on my blog, since she's too busy to update her own :) --so for all you fans of Heather, she did a great job on the trumpet.

and speaking of Heather, we're getting ready to watch Arrested Development -- my principal is starting to bug me about borrowing Season Three! -- so I should probably head out. Sziasztok, which is Hungarian for "bye, y'all!"

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At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've recently just rented all three seasons of arrested development from the library...they are awesome!


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