Friday, May 04, 2007

Hooray for weekends...

...especially since I'm sick. again.

I'm also behind on school work, which I should be doing now, but I'm obviously not. That's because I'd much rather tell you about my proud accomplishment of yesterday: I semi-spoke Hungarian for more than ten minutes.

You would think that after living here for almost 9 months, that wouldn't be such a huge deal. oh, but it was. I baby-sat for Natalie Kliewer yesterday since I don't have class after 1 on Thursdays, so we went to the cukraszda for some fahej (cinnamon) ice cream, my favorite! I don't even miss American ice cream anymore; it's so good here. and then we went to the little play area near my apartment. There was one bored little Hungarian girl there, so Natalie and I started to talk to her. She spoke no English, but we could communicate! Natalie was pretty great at gesturing, and I remembered enough Hungarian to talk to her pretty well. I could figure out the basic introduction stuff like names and ages and where we lived. But far more impressive, I was also able to play I Spy in Hungarian! I was so proud of myself. definitely want to take classes over the summer now.

It was a good day overall. Later at the Kliewers, they had Heather, Austin, and me over for dinner -- from their grill! -- and a movie. Good times. What a great family.

This weekend will be crazy, though. The high school is performing West Side Story, which should be pretty good. I've got four of my Hungarian ELL class coming to see it with me Saturday night -- and to hear Heather playing in the orchestra!

ok, I should suppose I should get ready for my class today, huh? I really don't like A Tale of Two Cities...

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At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed - but really not surprised - you've always had an ear for language!



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