Wednesday, April 25, 2007

so... very.... tired....

...of looking at yearbook pages. In the genius world of Hungarian publishing, all of your pages are due at once, as opposed to sending in several batches throughout the year back in the Land of the Free. That means all the stress comes at the same time. I've figured it up. In addition to the actual yearbook class, I've spent 34.5 hours in the computer lab working on the pages in the past week and a half. I'm not a math person, but I believe that accounts for roughly 14% of my life during that time. Nem jo, as my Hungarian friends would say. No good!

but the yearbook is, or at least better than in years past. I suppose that makes it all worthwhile. and thankfully I'm teaching Cyrano to my sophomores, which I'm fairly certain I could do with my eyes closed at this point. Hallelujah for experience.

The ordeal has also been made bearable by my wonderful roommate, so here's a tribute to Heather, who not only cooked me dinner, but offered to bring it to the school for me, and (more importantly) put up with my weird emotional outbursts when I got stressed. I believe you earned an extra jewel in your heavenly crown for this past week or so.

Almost time for study hall to be over...which means it's back to the lab! Hour 35 and counting.


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At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Daughter dear; it will all be over soon! :)

Much love,

(I, too, am grateful for Heather!)


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