Thursday, May 31, 2007

your summer reading assignment

Bridge at Andau, by James Michener.

This book has been passed around the teachers since I first got here, but I just read it in the last week or so. I was fascinated by it. History buffs -- you need to read it. Michener wrote it during the failed 1956 revolution against the Russians; he was living near the bridge over which many Hungarians escaped into Austria. His interviews led to this work, written the following year.

I've been to Budapest a few times since I finished reading it, and it is so fascinating to know the history of the places I'm seeing. For instance, Ulloi ut. isn't just the street with the pottery place; now I know that it's where Hungarian workers (and children) risked their lives with makeshift weapons to blow up Russian tanks. If you're planning to come to Budapest (mom and dad!), read it before you come. It'll make you appreciate Hungary in an entirely different way.

In other recent events, Heather and I hosted dinner for a bunch of teachers last night, which was fun, and Abby introduced me to a chocolate bar... all different varieties of hot chocolate, fondue, and gourmet chocolates. I love living in a big city!

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At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess I'm headed to the library!


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