Monday, June 04, 2007

weekend wrap up

-- football. American football. The coach at Lisa B's old high school is married to a Hungarian woman, and they now live here while he coaches an American-style football team. We went to Margit Island yesterday to watch the Budapest Wolves whoop up on the Austrian team for the first half (34-0). It was both weirdly familiar (with American music over the loudspeakers and cheerleaders, although it was kind of like watching a middle school squad) and oddly Hungarian (like the unintelligible but --we think -- English chants from the crowd).
-- Karaoke. This time we met up with one of the girls in our ELL group, Petra. She is so sweet. She translated a lot of the songs for us and taught us how to say useful things, like "They are very drunk." Heather and I got pulled up for a Hungarian song, and I actually think we pulled it off. I was so proud.
-- House of Terror. I realize this sounds like a bad carnival attraction. It's actually pretty cool. It's the museum located at the former headquarters of the AVO, the hated Secret Police during Communist rule. It was interesting to see all the sad history, especially the torture chambers. We also started watching a movie about the 56 revolution. Sadly, I don't think it's available in the US -- but look for it anyway. It's called Szabadsag, Szerelem , which means Freedom, Love -- but it was marketed in English as Children of Glory. Hungarian history is fascinating. It's a shame we know nothing about it.
--outdoor dining. Heather and I decided to scope out new restaurants. We picked a cute little place with lots of opportunities for people watching, especially during the torrential rain that came through. I am most intrigued by the high number of Euro-mullets and fanny-packs. Seriously. People, these are NOT COOL. Get rid of them. immediately.
...and then we might have met up with Lisa B to visit the chocolate bar.... twice in one week! this is a bad sign :)
-- worship. I sang at Danube with Austin and various others yesterday. It's always fun to sing, although this time I didn't know the songs. three of them. I think I faked it pretty well, though!

Good weekend. now it's our final Monday of the school year! almost done...

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At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about 9:15 here, so there it would be the end of the school year! Yaaaay!! (A victory, isn't it!)


At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, is Monday not your last day, just your last Monday?!

Either way, it's all downhill from here!



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