Wednesday, June 20, 2007

nagyon meleg!!!!

...which means, it's freaking hot outside!

Mom and Dad are here busily touring Budapest. So far in a whirlwind tour we've managed to hit tons of important sites, and I only got off track twice. They're getting the real Hungarian experience, in that we have had to chase down a bus, we lost power in the apartment, and our water ran out again. Ha! What a way to get to know Hungary!
It's been fun showing them around and realizing that I have, in fact, come a long ways since I first got here. I was particularly proud today when I ordered food and drinks for all three of us in Hungarian without making any mistakes! Yes! Anyway, we're all exhausted from the ridiculous heat -- 38 degrees Celsius, which is 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Probably not the best of days to try to climb Gellert Hill! so now we're going to cool off, and perhaps get a little ice cream. Like me, mom and dad have greatly enjoyed the local cukraszda... it's the best way to escape the heat!

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At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Paula, Phyllis and Joe. I'm so glad you guys are able to visit with each other in HUngary. Wow, God is so good. I miss you all and I love you guys.
Beth McCracken Thomasson

At 2:32 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Sounds fun:) Miss you.

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad I got to talk to you all yesterday! Wish I could be there :( Have fun and stay safe, Love you!!!

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww man, i miss fahej already!!!


and yes, i forgot my username, it's been so long.


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