Tuesday, June 26, 2007

nagyon hideg!

which means, it's ridiculously cold outside!

Yesterday I was miserably hot, but last night a storm came through. The temperature dropped an insane 15 degrees Celsius. I'm not sure what that amounts to in Fahrenheit, but I know it's cold. As a result, mom, dad, and I found ourselves the only stupid tourists wearing shorts in a sea of coat-clad Austrians. Such is life. It did warm up a little during the day, happily.

Vienna is beautiful, and I've enjoyed being here. Today we toured the Hofburg Palace, home of the 1800s version of Princess Di, known here as Sisi. She's important in Budapest too, where pretty much everything is named after her (Erzsebet), her husband (Ferenc Jozsef), or her lover (Count Andrassy). It was really interesting to finally see why she's so important. Also, while we were there, we happened to look outside a window and see a ceremony for the Italian president. We think so anyway! It was fun; the army was assembled and presented arms, while the important people filed down the red carpet. Not something you see everyday.

Also today: the art museum, where I particularly enjoyed Titan and Vermeer; the Museum Quarter, Wiener Schnitzel and bratwurst, and Starbucks! Good day.

We head back to Budapest sometime tomorrow, where I will frantically pack up my apartment and try to move out by the weekend. And hopefully post some pictures!

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