Tuesday, February 13, 2007

thinking ahead

I'm inching toward a pretty big decision! Heather and I have been toying with the idea of moving further into Budapest for a while, and last night we met with two teachers who have done that to talk over the pros and cons. While it may be a little more expensive, and a little more of a commute, both of us left dinner really excited about the possibility. So today during study hall I spent some time looking at apartments in the main parts of town. I think we can swing it. Apartments really are pretty cheap here -- and they're furnished! It will be nice to be closer to everything going on -- and not have to wait forever for public transportation to get back into Diosd. Case in point: last night we left our apt. to go downtown at 6. Because of the bus schedule (and a very late bus!) it took us almost an hour to get there. Keep in mind that by car this takes about 15 minutes. On the way back from the restaurant around 9:30, we narrowly missed getting the volanbusz back to Diosd. We had to wait another hour for the next bus, which meant that instead of getting home at 10:15, we got home after 11. and I still had work to do.

It will be so nice to live in a place where buses or trams run regularly and there are restaurants and cafes nearby! If everything works out, we'll get a place at the end of the school year -- so when you come to visit, you won't need to get a hotel to experience the city!

also exciting -- the cute little restaurant we went to had pretty cheap Hungarian food, and I finally experienced stuffed cabbage. It's pretty tasty, but I was a little surprised to see that it came with a side of fatback. Yep, fatback. I thought that was just for good ol' Southern cookin'!

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At 4:04 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

....and I have no idea what fatback is....

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's my Dear...I miss you!DI


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