Monday, September 08, 2008

This would only happen to me....

so after I posted those pics, I taught one class and then looked at my statcounter to see if anyone had seen them yet (thinking maybe I had time to change my mind and email it just to Kathy).
Well, with the statcounter, I can see where people are when they view my pages.... and within that 45 minute period, I had 70 page-views of my blog. 70, all from the following countries: Germany, Malaysia, Switzerland, Italy, France, Hong Kong, Latvia, Singapore, Sweden, UK, Phillipines, Mexico, and the US. Apparently, the "View next blog" button in the toolbar was set to display mine for a long, long time...

I always wanted to be internationally famous -- this isn't the way I had anticipated! :)

So Kathy... don't ever say I didn't get you anything for your birthday. I think my total humiliation today has more than compensated for my lack of a card!

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