Sunday, July 22, 2007

ways to stay cool in the Budapest heat wave

  • Pull all of the shades and close all windows. PRO: no longer is there blinding heat and sunshine pouring into the room! CON: the apartment now resembles a small stuffy cave VERDICT: somewhat worthwhile, if used in conjunction with other methods
  • Try to nap until it all just goes away. PRO: the ability to dream about igloos, snow storms, avalanches CON: Dreams are more likely to be about wandering lost in the desert, and you wake to find yourself sweaty in a dark cave. VERDICT: sleep is almost impossible. Next.
  • Eat nothing but lemon sorbet. PRO: it's tasty and cold! CON: Man cannot live on sorbet alone. VERDICT: Well, it's always good to have a frozen treat, but the benefits are short-lived.
  • ride around in your air conditioned car. PRO: yay for cool air! CONs: the 10 minute walk to the car in the blistering heat, the inferno when you first open the car door, the ridiculous prices ($6.94 a gallon today. really.) VERDICT: not worth it.
  • wander around the air conditioned mall. PRO: somewhat cooler air CONs: the temptation to spend money on unnecessary items, being part of the mobs of people doing exactly the same thing. VERDICT: not worth it. plus, we heard all of the frozen food at Tesco melted, because it's all gone. bad sign.
  • freeze your water bottles. PRO: icy cold goodness! CONs: the coolness only lasts for about 10 minutes. and Heidi pointed out there isn't even condensation anymore. VERDICT: worthwhile, if you're willing to have a constant rotation of 10 bottles in the freezer at any given time.
  • Put the fan behind your frozen water bottle. PRO: it made us laugh at the sheer ridiculousness CON: didn't help at all, and the ice melted within minutes VERDICT: utter futility -- unless you desperately need comic relief.
  • Put a cold wet towel over your fan. PRO: it's better than the water bottle CON: it still doesn't work. VERDICT: It's a good way to dry your towels.
  • Freeze your cold wet towels and place them on your heads. OK, we haven't really tried this one ...yet...
Anyone have better ideas? Please....we're desperate!

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At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try ice in a cloth on the back of your neck (even after it melts it should have a cooling effect.)

We prayed today in our SS class for a break in your weather! So I'm thinking the worst should be over for you!!



At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom's idea sounds good. If you are looking for an alternative to lemon sorbet, I was reading today in a magazine that you can take instant hot chocolate packets, and open them and add water and mix into a paste and then freeze for a chocolatety treat. I don't drink hot chocolate so I can't try it, but you may have some. Let me know if it works.

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find a place in the shade outside with your friends and laugh at paper bags that blow across the ground. This worked at the lake one year. haha

guess who

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Close your eyes and pretend you are at Loche Lomand. Imagine the cold and biting wind.

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

or(in keeping with our glorious Loche Lomand experience) circling your castle/hostel at the driving snow...trying to figure out how the heck to get inside!!!
love you,


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