Thursday, December 14, 2006

Is it Christmas break yet?

What is it about the upcoming holidays that makes students a little more off-the-wall and over-the-top? Or is it simply that I've run out of patience? Either way, Christmas break can't come soon enough... we're currently in that dreaded realm known as "Exam Review" --where nobody actually reviews anything except the current social status of everyone in the class.

Oh well. I'm really not as whiny as I sound, I promise! I think it's because I've decided to cut out sugar for a while. Yes -- no more cookies, cakes, cokes, chocolate, or candy bars....until Christmas Eve. We'll see how long I can hold out :)

I do believe I won the unofficial posta competition with a total of 4 items in the mail yesterday, including a book from my mission and a brand new Bible from Nik (I was tired of lugging the huge one around on public transportation!) . However, the highlights by far were a handwritten card from Granny, a picture of Stacey and Lee, and a picture of Luke and Meagan Walker, who are perhaps the world's most adorable children. Anyway, thanks guys... you have no idea how much mail can do to lift your spirit on a foggy day!

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At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As members of the Luke and Meagan fan Club, we concur with your assessment of the mail highlights.

We keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your works.

Poppy and NaNa


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