"Think Destination"
Before moving to Hungary, we went through lots of training on dealing with culture shock -- which I fully anticipate having in reverse upon my arrival back in the States this summer. One of the tips to deal with it is to look forward to your new home -- so I've been making a list of things I'm excited about.
I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that, aside from family, the vast majority of my items involve food. ChickFilA biscuits, steak, salads with ranch dressing, cheddar cheese -- all kinds of things that aren't exactly in abundance here. But today I found myself wanting one thing in particular, even though I haven't had it in years: a pig-pickin'. That's right -- a real, honest-to-goodness pig, cooked right there in front of you and chopped into pieces with a delicious sauce. Believe it or not, I found a recipe for a slow-cooker version that sounds fairly accurate (there's no tomato sauce in real pork barbecue, people!) So I'm going to try it and let you know how it works...
(other things I'm excited about: being able to communicate with strangers, Netflix, and the absence of the highly illogical Hungarian right of way laws!)
This week promises to be another busy one; it's the week of senior auction, and the class I sponsor is providing babysitting care. That's right -- I am in charge of 18 sophomores, who are in charge of 30 children. This could be.... interesting. And tonight I finally get to watch Lost! woohoo for the giant projector and screen at the school!