Sunday, August 12, 2007

things I didn't know a year ago...

Yes, today marks the one year anniversary of the day I first stepped on Hungarian soil! Here is just a sampling of the many things I've learned while here:
  1. how to sing "God of Wonders" and various other praise songs in Hungarian
  2. how to say the F word and other choice phrases in Hungarian! (not that I use them...) :)
  3. how to navigate public transportation to, from, and around Budapest
  4. how to charm your way into a reduced (or free!) ticket on the Volanbusz (ok, so this is hit or miss. but it sometimes happens!)
  5. that I actually like soft drinks with no ice. Who knew?
  6. that Hungarian waiters will take forever to appear -- but stand directly over you while you figure out the check they refuse to split.
  7. that I will never again take dishwashers and dryers for granted.
  8. that I wouldn't really miss TV -- except for basketball and Lost, which I can download!
  9. that salami is apparently one of the basic food groups, and chocolate goes pretty well with something resembling ricotta cheese (see the Hungarians' favorite candy bar, the Turo Rudi)
  10. and yet it is nearly impossible to find a decent steak. or ranch dressing. or brown sugar. or vanilla extract.
  11. that the metric system really is way more logical
  12. how to cook almost everything from scratch -- although often with unusual variations. for instance, my lasanga last night used the exact same cheese found in the Turo Rudi candy bar! (it was actually pretty good, in case you were wondering)
  13. that people eat fatback outside of the South. They love it here! Sadly, biscuits, however, are the one thing I have been utterly unable to recreate here :(
  14. that I can survive the holidays away from my family -- but I don't recommend it.
  15. that I would meet absolutely amazing people, thoroughly enjoy myself, and grow tremendously as a person. Seriously, this has been an incredible year.
On to Year Two! WooHoo!

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At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The year has flown by, hasn't it! And knowing you're where the Lord wants you to be has made it much easier on us for you to be so far away!
:) Mama

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

I cried when reading this. I'm not exactly sure why. I guess I miss you and life in Hungary...or something.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

I mean, I know I miss you, but I don't know if that is why I am crying.

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw one of my students on the Space Shuttle this last week.....the rewards will keep coming.

Nik's Pop


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