Tuesday, July 31, 2007

on my way...

to Lake Balaton! I leave tomorrow and will stay with a Hungarian family I met through my ELL class this year. should be fun! I'm kind of grateful to be going to a lake, even if it isn't the same one where all of my "family" is. It'll be a good way to end my summer -- and when I come back, I'll be in my new house!

I'm so excited. I stopped by a few days ago, and they had more furniture in! Whenever I get the internet hooked up in the new place, I'll upload some pictures!

Right now I'm staying with the Kliewer family. I'm getting a taste of motherhood by staying with four kids ranging from 6 to 15 while their parents are celebrating their anniversary in Prague. They're good kids, and most of it has been fun. However, I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to my parents for a) spilling things all over freshly cleaned floors b) arguing over bathing and/or bedtime c) being a sore loser at board games. All of you parents out there -- how do you DO this? :)

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At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called LOVE!!



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