Sunday, July 29, 2007

Kerr Lake

For those of you unfortunate enough to be unfamiliar with this location, let's just say it's an annual tradition in our extended family. I equate it with those other important events like Christmas and UNC beating Duke (wait, everyone doesn't celebrate that? Heathens).

and this week, for the first time ever, I'll miss it. sad.
So, since half of my blog readers will be camping this week, consider this your send-off. Visit the Freeze Maid Dairy Bar for me. and stay up all night at least once talking by the fire. And Kathy and Karen, I entrust the future of The Project to you! Don't let it die! :)

I'll be thinking about you guys.

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At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just blessed me this Sunday Morning. I like JT a lot but I love Alison. That was great. Sorry you can't be with your family this week. Praying the Lord blesses your week greatly.

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paula, you will be missed this week and cetainly be on our minds. Each year changes and it isnt' the same with ya'll growing up and going your own way. Maybe one year we can all get together like old times. I hope you have a great and blessed week.
Love, Vickie


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