Thursday, August 09, 2007

a few more...

This is the living room; the giant thing in the corner is a heating device for the winter. You can't see from this picture, but there is a little bench built in around it so you can lean up against it while you read your novel -- I mean, grade essays... When I took this picture, I was standing at the other end, with more chairs, beside the doors to a terrace. Sadly, that picture didn't take very well because of the light. Maybe later!
The kitchen -- notice that even after unloading our various pots, mugs, quesadilla makers, and imported foods from the States, there are still empty shelves! This is somewhat miraculous after our tiny kitchen last year.
And we also have a brand new dishwasher (yes!) and an electric stove. Using Heidi's gas stove earlier this summer made me incredibly grateful not to have one here.
The dining room. The door opens up to the terrace, which they plan to tile in the next week or so.

Since the basement is currently Laundry Central, no pics of that! but we have another bathroom down there (four total!) along with a storage room and a garage. The attic looks pretty much like every attic you've ever seen, just relatively empty right now. and Heather and Lisa's rooms aren't finished yet! Lisa arrives Saturday morning and Heather is still working on raising her support.

life is good. I had Emily come over last night for the first official Grand Tour. She also just moved into a house here, so we really enjoyed comparing our current abodes to those from last year. I loved that little place, but man, am I glad to be in this one!
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At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice, I like the heater.

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks really nice, Paula. I like the cabinets...the floors...the tile...the tub. What is the square footage compared to your last place?

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just caught up on your blogs - if I had seen the Allison Kraus one before we left to go to the lake, I would have boohooed thinking about you missing the lake!

But I also had some good chuckles!

Thanks for the blogs!!

:) Mom

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this house looks really modern...i can't wait to see it in person:)

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures Paula! Love the inside of the house. Can you take some more? I wanna see it all!!

Heather's Mom

At 1:44 AM, Blogger Lisa Blomquist said...

great pictures Paula! I'm directing everyone to your blog to see my beautiful house =() I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you around 9:30 Saturday!

At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The house looks amazing. I know ya'll will enjoy it.


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