Monday, March 26, 2007

home again

Well, I think I'll bypass the unpleasantness of the UNC game, and more importantly the tragic death of the Tarheel mascot, Rameses. Such a shame.

Aside from those two things, though, my trip home has been pretty enjoyable! I've visited some family, washed and dried my clothes, and eaten a variety of foods not currently available in Hungary (highlights: Reese's Cup Blizzard from Dairy Queen, my cousin's amazing Shrimp and Grits, and Cheetos -- don't laugh. I'm serious!) Mostly I've spent my time in kind of a daze. The jetlag has hit me pretty hard this time for some reason.

Visa stuff: so in DC I made my way to the Hungarian embassy. I suspect I may have been the first person to visit there in some time, partly because it's in the middle of nowhere. I felt like I had walked to Maryland by the time I finally got there. But they were friendly and I got to dazzle them with my Hungarian. OK, so I only said hello, thank you, and goodbye in Hungarian. I still think I won some brownie points for trying. Anyway, my paperwork has all been successfully sent off and will be mailed back to me via priority overnight FedEx service. Here's hoping it's sooner rather than later!

Right now I'm trying to figure out which items to carry back (is Febreze more important than Crest mouthwash? hmmmm....), work on my presentation for church Sunday, and figure out just when I'm going to see everybody in creation. Good problems to have!

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