Monday, March 19, 2007

ok, ok...

...I won't mention basketball in this post, I promise. I know not all of you are Carolina fans! (but I'm doing my best to convert you!) :)

However, that is basically the most exciting thing to happen lately, since I've been spending so much time at school working on lesson plans for weeks....sigh. not fun. ok, that's not exactly true. I did go into the city the other day, watch Lost last night, and watch a couple of movies. Plus the weather was gorgeous over the weekend. but still, it's awful to do so much stinkin' school work!

so I'm heading out first thing Wednesday morning, and I'm getting really excited! Is it weird that most of my excitement is reserved for food? ChickFilA and Ham's and Natty Greene's and Krispy Kreme... I am going to gain so much weight while I'm home!

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At 5:02 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Eat some Chik-fil-a and Krispy Kreme for me! We'll miss you!


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