Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I've had a little bit of a sore throat for a while now...but yesterday I noticed that I couldn't sing too well -- and you know how I love to sing! Then last night I woke up coughing and realized I could barely speak. So today has been loads of fun, since I taught by writing everything on the board. Thankfully, all I have left today is yearbook!
Two other things about ICSB I'm grateful for: a) we have a doctor on staff, so we can go to him during our planning b) we can leave the building! I used to hate it at SE when we had to "buy" a planning period away from school with our charitable donation to whatever cause was important at the moment. Here, we just sign out and go on our merry way -- or home to take a nap, as the case may be. Now I'm off to the local CBA to pick up some lunch and then to the pharmacy. Have an excellent day...

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At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad's sick, too! (But not too sick to take Granddaddy fishing tomorrow!) :)

Hope you regain your voice soon!



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